Selasa, 13 November 2012

Tugas 3 Pemrograman Visual

Memodifikasi program pada tugas sebelumnya..

Berikut koding program yang sudah di modifikasi :

 Tampilan Programnya

Program yang belum di modifikasi

Program yang sudah di modifikasi

Tugas Puzzle

Public Class Form1
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Dim control As Windows.Forms.Control
        For Each control In Me.Controls
            If control.GetType.Name = "Button" Then
                Dim rndnumber As Random
                Dim number As Integer
                rndnumber = New Random
                number = rndnumber.Next(1, 9)
                control.Text = number

                If Button2.Text = Button1.Text Then
                        number = rndnumber.Next(1, 9)
                        Button2.Text = number
                    Loop Until Button2.Text <> Button1.Text
                End If

                If Button3.Text = Button2.Text Or Button3.Text = Button1.Text Then
                        number = rndnumber.Next(1, 9)
                        Button3.Text = number
                    Loop Until Button3.Text <> Button2.Text And Button3.Text <> Button1.Text
                End If

                If Button4.Text = Button3.Text Or Button4.Text = Button2.Text Or Button4.Text = Button1.Text Then
                        number = rndnumber.Next(1, 9)
                        Button4.Text = number
                    Loop Until Button4.Text <> Button3.Text And Button4.Text <> Button2.Text And Button4.Text <> Button1.Text
                End If

                If Button4.Text = Button3.Text Or Button4.Text = Button2.Text Or Button4.Text = Button1.Text Then
                        number = rndnumber.Next(1, 9)
                        Button4.Text = number
                    Loop Until Button4.Text <> Button3.Text And Button4.Text <> Button2.Text And Button4.Text <> Button1.Text
                End If

                If Button5.Text = Button4.Text Or Button5.Text = Button3.Text Or Button5.Text = Button2.Text Or Button5.Text = Button1.Text Then
                        number = rndnumber.Next(1, 9)
                        Button5.Text = number
                    Loop Until Button5.Text <> Button4.Text And Button5.Text <> Button3.Text And Button5.Text <> Button2.Text And Button5.Text <> Button1.Text
                End If

                If Button6.Text = Button5.Text Or Button6.Text = Button4.Text Or Button6.Text = Button3.Text Or Button6.Text = Button2.Text Or Button6.Text = Button1.Text Then
                        number = rndnumber.Next(1, 9)
                        Button6.Text = number
                    Loop Until Button6.Text <> Button5.Text And Button6.Text <> Button3.Text And Button6.Text <> Button2.Text And Button6.Text <> Button1.Text
                End If

                If Button7.Text = Button6.Text Or Button7.Text = Button5.Text Or Button7.Text = Button4.Text Or Button7.Text = Button3.Text Or Button7.Text = Button2.Text Or Button7.Text = Button1.Text Then
                        number = rndnumber.Next(1, 9)
                        Button7.Text = number
                    Loop Until Button7.Text <> Button6.Text And Button7.Text <> Button5.Text And Button7.Text <> Button4.Text And Button7.Text <> Button3.Text And Button7.Text <> Button2.Text And Button7.Text <> Button1.Text
                End If

                If Button8.Text = Button7.Text Or Button8.Text = Button6.Text Or Button8.Text = Button5.Text Or Button8.Text = Button4.Text Or Button8.Text = Button3.Text Or Button8.Text = Button2.Text Or Button8.Text = Button1.Text Then
                        number = rndnumber.Next(1, 9)
                        Button8.Text = number
                    Loop Until Button8.Text <> Button7.Text And Button8.Text <> Button6.Text And Button8.Text <> Button5.Text And Button8.Text <> Button4.Text And Button8.Text <> Button3.Text And Button8.Text <> Button2.Text And Button8.Text <> Button1.Text
                End If
            End If
            Button9.Text = ""
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        If Button2.Text = "" Then
            Button2.Text = Button1.Text
            Button1.Text = ""
        ElseIf Button4.Text = "" Then
            Button4.Text = Button1.Text
            Button1.Text = ""
        End If
        If Button1.Text = "1" And Button2.Text = "2" And Button3.Text = "3" And Button4.Text = "4" And Button5.Text = "5" And Button6.Text = "6" And Button7.Text = "7" And Button8.Text = "8" And Button9.Text = "" Then
            MsgBox("Selamat Anda Menang")
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button6_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click
        If Button9.Text = "" Then
            Button9.Text = Button6.Text
            Button6.Text = ""
        ElseIf Button3.Text = "" Then
            Button3.Text = Button6.Text
            Button6.Text = ""
        ElseIf Button5.Text = "" Then
            Button5.Text = Button6.Text
            Button6.Text = ""
        End If
        If Button1.Text = "1" And Button2.Text = "2" And Button3.Text = "3" And Button4.Text = "4" And Button5.Text = "5" And Button6.Text = "6" And Button7.Text = "7" And Button8.Text = "8" And Button9.Text = "" Then
            MsgBox("Selamat Anda Menang")
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
        If Button1.Text = "" Then
            Button1.Text = Button4.Text
            Button4.Text = ""
        ElseIf Button7.Text = "" Then
            Button7.Text = Button4.Text
            Button4.Text = ""
        ElseIf Button5.Text = "" Then
            Button5.Text = Button4.Text
            Button4.Text = ""
        End If
        If Button1.Text = "1" And Button2.Text = "2" And Button3.Text = "3" And Button4.Text = "4" And Button5.Text = "5" And Button6.Text = "6" And Button7.Text = "7" And Button8.Text = "8" And Button9.Text = "" Then
            MsgBox("Selamat Anda Menang")
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
        If Button1.Text = "" Then
            Button1.Text = Button2.Text
            Button2.Text = ""
        ElseIf Button3.Text = "" Then
            Button3.Text = Button2.Text
            Button2.Text = ""
        ElseIf Button5.Text = "" Then
            Button5.Text = Button2.Text
            Button2.Text = ""
        End If
        If Button1.Text = "1" And Button2.Text = "2" And Button3.Text = "3" And Button4.Text = "4" And Button5.Text = "5" And Button6.Text = "6" And Button7.Text = "7" And Button8.Text = "8" And Button9.Text = "" Then
            MsgBox("Selamat Anda Menang")
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button8_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button8.Click
        If Button7.Text = "" Then
            Button7.Text = Button8.Text
            Button8.Text = ""
        ElseIf Button9.Text = "" Then
            Button9.Text = Button8.Text
            Button8.Text = ""
        ElseIf Button5.Text = "" Then
            Button5.Text = Button8.Text
            Button8.Text = ""
        End If
        If Button1.Text = "1" And Button2.Text = "2" And Button3.Text = "3" And Button4.Text = "4" And Button5.Text = "5" And Button6.Text = "6" And Button7.Text = "7" And Button8.Text = "8" And Button9.Text = "" Then
            MsgBox("Selamat Anda Menang")
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click
        If Button2.Text = "" Then
            Button2.Text = Button5.Text
            Button5.Text = ""
        ElseIf Button4.Text = "" Then
            Button4.Text = Button5.Text
            Button5.Text = ""
        ElseIf Button6.Text = "" Then
            Button6.Text = Button5.Text
            Button5.Text = ""
        ElseIf Button8.Text = "" Then
            Button8.Text = Button5.Text
            Button5.Text = ""
        End If
        If Button1.Text = "1" And Button2.Text = "2" And Button3.Text = "3" And Button4.Text = "4" And Button5.Text = "5" And Button6.Text = "6" And Button7.Text = "7" And Button8.Text = "8" And Button9.Text = "" Then
            MsgBox("Selamat Anda Menang")
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
        If Button2.Text = "" Then
            Button2.Text = Button3.Text
            Button3.Text = ""
        ElseIf Button6.Text = "" Then
            Button6.Text = Button3.Text
            Button3.Text = ""
        End If
        If Button1.Text = "1" And Button2.Text = "2" And Button3.Text = "3" And Button4.Text = "4" And Button5.Text = "5" And Button6.Text = "6" And Button7.Text = "7" And Button8.Text = "8" And Button9.Text = "" Then
            MsgBox("Selamat Anda Menang")
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button7_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button7.Click
        If Button4.Text = "" Then
            Button4.Text = Button7.Text
            Button7.Text = ""
        ElseIf Button8.Text = "" Then
            Button8.Text = Button7.Text
            Button7.Text = ""
        End If
        If Button1.Text = "1" And Button2.Text = "2" And Button3.Text = "3" And Button4.Text = "4" And Button5.Text = "5" And Button6.Text = "6" And Button7.Text = "7" And Button8.Text = "8" And Button9.Text = "" Then
            MsgBox("Selamat Anda Menang")
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button9_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button9.Click
        If Button6.Text = "" Then
            Button6.Text = Button9.Text
            Button9.Text = ""
        ElseIf Button8.Text = "" Then
            Button8.Text = Button9.Text
            Button9.Text = ""
        End If
        If Button1.Text = "1" And Button2.Text = "2" And Button3.Text = "3" And Button4.Text = "4" And Button5.Text = "5" And Button6.Text = "6" And Button7.Text = "7" And Button8.Text = "8" And Button9.Text = "" Then
            MsgBox("Selamat Anda Menang")
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

Program setelah di run :

Program setelah di urutkan :

Senin, 05 November 2012

Tugas 2 Pemrograman Visual


A. Latihan 1 Variabel Constanta Type Data
  • Berikut analisis program dari tugas Pemrograman Visual Basic :
1. Apa yang menyebabkan error btalamat1_Click pada baris program alamat = “kuningan”
  • Variabel tersebut belum di deklarasikan dengan “Dim” sehingga, variable tersebut tidak bisa dijadikan sebagai target operasi.. Seharusnya :

2. Kenapa saat ditekan tombol nama1 dan nama2 nama yang ditampilkan pada textbox nama berbeda sedangkan saat ditekan tombol alamat 1 dan alamat 2 alamat yang ditampilkan pada textbox alamat sama ?
  • Karena pada source code, tombol nama1 memanggil variabel nama dari local “Dim” sedangkan pada tombol nama2 memanggil variabel nama dari modul/keseluruhan “karena tidak terdapat “Dim” :
  • modul :

  • Sedangkan pada tombol alamat1 dan alamat2 apabila ditekan maka alamat yang ditampilkan di textbox sama, karena pada source code di form satu sudah terdapat variabel “Const” yaitu sebagai berikut :

3.   Kenapa saat ditekan tombol tambah umur1 umur selalu keluar angka 1 sedangkan saat ditekan tombol tambah umur2 umur selalu bertambah 1 dari umur sebelumnya ??
  • Pada program bttambahumur1_Click baris Dim umur As Integer, seharusnya Dim diganti dengan Static agar saat ditekan tombol tambah umur 1, umur bertambah 1 dari sebelumnya.
4.   Analisa pada form dua :
  • Pada form dua menggunakan “Option Explicit Off“, yang artinya pesan variabel tidak diharuskan terlebih dahulu digunakan. Sehingga tidak perlu didefinisikan lagi  karena program pada form dua ini akan mengambil definisi variabel dari public pada form satu ataupun di module.

B.  Latihan 2 If dan Case

1. Kelamahan yang pertama adalah saat memilih item “TAS” di commbobox tidak muncul harga tetapi yang muncul “-“. Untuk perbaikannya kita lakukan cooding seperti di bawah ini:

Hasilnya :

2. Pada saat program dijalankan, setelah jumlah barang diisi pada textbox total bayar sudah langsung menampilkan jumlah sebelum kita pilih Tunai ataupun Kredit. Cara memperbaiki dengan cara menghapus txttotalbayar.Text = Val (txtharga.Text) - Val (txtdiskon.Text) pada txt jmlbarang.

4. Ketika kita akan keluar dari program tidak ada pilihan (msg box)  untuk keluar sepeti Yes/No sehingga saat di tekan tombol tutup program akan secara langsung keluar . Maka untuk mnembahkan pilihan (msg box) tersebut di lakukan cooding seperi dibawah ini :

Hasilnya :